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June 28th: Feast of St Marcella

GlastonburyFreePress ‏@glastofreepress 26 Jun The sweet rhythm of the Heidelberg...

Smell that ink!

Artist Tony Plant Creates Epic Sand Etchings on Cornwall's Beaches…

June 26th: Feast of Sts John and Paul. They were eunuchs in the household of the Empress Constantia

June 24th: It is the Feast of the Holy Fairies in the western Carpathian Mountains today

Last para of Entick v Carrington 1765… shows how jealous of our liberties we once were. Now we shrug shoulders at GCHQ

Inspiring Cornish Women


And fifteen women become tens of thousands of people. It is July 26th, 1913. Hyde Park. And the South West women are there. Sharing the same oxygen.


Little Hauntings from a poetic tweet...

"Bury me in the space bweteen your actions and intentions'...

War memorials or Peace memorials

I didn't realise that the memorials were originally Peace memorials so I found this collection of letters most interesting.
