
Pleiades: Japanese Festival of lanthorns, celebrated about November


November 1 marked as All Saints' Day, and in the pre-Reformation calendars the last day of October was marked All Hallow Eve, and the 2nd of November as All Souls'; indicating clearly a three days' festival of the dead, commencing in the evening, and originally regulated by the Pleiades—an emphatic testimony how much astronomy has been mixed up with the rites and customs even of the English of[Pg 125] to-day. In former days the relics were more numerous, in the Hallowe'en torches of the Irish, the bonfires of the Scotch, the coel-coeth fires of the Welsh, and the tindle fires of Cornwall, all lighted on Hallowe'en. In France it still lingers more than here, for to this very day the Parisians at this festival repair to the cemeteries, and lunch at the graves of their ancestors.

December 12th: Feast Day of St Bugga of Thanet

October 24th: Feast of St Magloire of Dol

"England has in all times given foreigners flying for refuge against oppression" #migrantcrisis

"England has in all times given foreigners flying for refuge against oppression"

June 29th: Feast of St Peter and St Paul

June 28th: Feast of St Marcella

June 26th: Feast of Sts John and Paul. They were eunuchs in the household of the Empress Constantia

June 24th: It is the Feast of the Holy Fairies in the western Carpathian Mountains today

Russell's picture

Oh FFS religionists again...

I nearly choked on my old man's sherry recently when I read about a 'science' teacher in the USA (where else?) who liked to add christian commentary to his science lessons basically saying the science he was teaching was wrong and that his religious view was correct.  He had been sacked it seemed and there was a 'reinstate him' movement from the concerned kids who were praying for him because they now believed science was unreliable.


Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, president of Iran, has not "called for Israel to be wiped off the map"

Correction to the much quoted

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, president of Iran, has not "called for Israel to
be wiped off the map" (Holocaust denial writer jailed for five years,
page 21, February 16). The Farsi phrase he employed is correctly
translated as "this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the
page of time". He was quoting a statement by Iran's first Islamist
leader, the late Ayatollah Khomeini.



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