
Quote - "It is a matter not so much of concealing as of withholding and what is withheld is not so much the truth as the facts"

It is a matter not so much of concealing as of withholding and what is withheld is not so much the truth as the facts.

cabinet secretary, Sir Burke Trend, 1963




The magazine Private Eye provoked panic in Whitehall when it identified C, the letter used to denote the head of MI6, hitherto secret papers released at the public record office yesterday [Wed 16 Feb 2000 01.44 GMT] reveal.

magazine broke existing media conventions by naming Sir Dick White as
C, standing for Chief, in a column by Claud Cockburn, in August 1963. In
a small paragraph headed "Note to foreign agents" he named Sir Dick as
the "head of what you so romantically term the British Secret Service".

Quote-"You know the worst thing about this government? the war on woke. Woke means caring for people & can only be a good thing"

You know the worst thing about this government? It’s the war on woke. Woke means caring for people and it can only be a good thing to care for people no matter what.”




Quote - "True is such a twentieth-century concept. The question is, can I get you to believe it, can I get it repeated enough"

True is such a twentieth-century concept. The question is, can I get you to believe it, can I get it repeated enough times to make it as good as true.”

? Salman Rushdie, The Golden House 2017


Matters because involves standards, rules & integrity in public office.. once those values erode - can ever expect to get back?

It matters because it involves standards, rules and integrity in public office. And once those values start to erode - can the public ever expect to get them back?



Quote - "Time shall unfold what plaited cunning hides: Who cover faults, at last shame them derides"

Time shall unfold what plaited cunning hides:
Who cover faults, at last shame them derides
Cordelia; King Lear Act 1 Scene 1

—William Shakespeare



Word of the day is 'podsnappery' (19th century, from Dickens): 'insular complacency and blinkered self-satisfaction'

Word of the day is 'podsnappery' (19th century, from Dickens): 'insular complacency and blinkered self-satisfaction'.



Word of the day is ‘quockerwodger’

Word of the day is ‘quockerwodger’ (19th century): a wooden puppet whose limbs jerk at the whim of the puppet master and, by extension, a politician whose strings of action are pulled by somebody else.


Protect ALL of the people from the will of SOME of the people. Democracy not electoral dictatorship, majority rule within framew

In 1997, when I tutored on the Constitutional Law course at Liverpool Uni and was only ever a chapter of the book ahead of my students, the chapter on “Conventions” floored me. Coming from Germany, this way of securing democracy seemed positively insane.


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