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And now the party's almost over . . .

We can't thank enough all of you who came to the party - but we can try :)
Thank you so very much for helping us celebrate so well :)
To those who couldn't make it - you missed a treat!
To those coming later in the year - we're looking forward to trying to reprise it with you :)
The last word(s) must surely be 'thanks Emma', 'rattler', and 'intelligent cauliflowers'.
Thank you All :)

Ezra Nawi

In praise of ... Ezra Nawi

BT finally does the right thing?? For how long?

Finally - but not until after invading their customers' privacy - BT have pulled out of Phorm. Worth half a cheer - unless it's supposed to push Phorm into administration so they can buy it cheaply.

Hope the European Court throws the book at both BT and the Government.

Phorm plunges as BT pulls ad system -

Isn't Nature Amazing

I had an internet moment today, looking up something lead to something else, which lead to something else which lead to this beautiful picture

Fractal structure of mountain and valley systems. Here's a small scaled-down sample of STRM dataset around Sydney


Another twist in 'Arctic Sea' story?

So.. according to The Guardian:

Putin - 'When a friend of mine retired'

Putin's latest pronouncement

Vladimir Putin signals plan to reclaim old job as Russian president

Russia PM says he and Dmitry Medvedev would take joint decision over roles, raising prospect of Putin era continuing

The Best Pub Jukebox in the World

Had the best time at the Bird in the Hand pub in Hayle.  Becky, the pub manager was really friendly and approachable and the food was excellent. Russell said the Liver and Onions was the best he'd had! - their web site is not so hot - not even an address or a phone number(!), but the food is good and the beers were great and the company even better - Hi Nick!! belated Happy Birthday..

Such a lovely day...

The only thing to do was go to the beach!  With Astra

And MP's wonder why we think they're not fit to govern


There are aspects of the expenses claim decision from Sir Thomas Legg that are disputable (changing the rules retrospectively, arbitrarily lumping all forms of cleaning together under a single cap, failing to establish the degree of culpability between the claimants and the Fees Office, failing to establish why not all MPs were apparently advised the same.. I could go on..) - but any MP who can say - straight-faced -as reported in The Guardian

So Tesco can tell the truth - 'There is no obvious attraction to the high street'

Finally, after all Tesco's talk of how they 'strengthen local high streets' a senior Tesco manager actually tells it like it really is

Tesco Bank's chief executive, Benny Higgins, said Tesco also had no interest in an outdated branch network: "Why would we be interested in where there are lots of people? There is no obvious attraction to the high street. It is not where the future is. There are lots of things for sale but the only thing we need is infrastructure."