
27 October 2017 - This Winter Palace clock was stopped 100yrs ago when Bolsheviks seized power - started again


Adam Johnson on Twitter: "meanwhile, NYT has gall to insist Russia acting "unilaterally" w/o consulting NATO states

Christopher Miller on Twitter: "A giddy Japanese prime minister meets Vladimir Putin

Ishaan Tharoor on Twitter: "One day of US/Russia air strikes in Syria and Iraq, via @PostGraphics

Just imagine UK media headlines if Russian President called a leading opposition party threat to national security?

The most mysterious radio signal in the world - Boing Boing

Via Boing Boing

The most mysterious radio signal in the world

The most mysterious village in Russia.

Chernobyl - 26 April 1986

Chernobyl disaster was a nuclear accident that occurred on 26 April 1986, at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine (then in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, pa

Blotting a Moscow copybook

Blotting your copybook (from Fears Russian wildfires could drive radioactive Chernobyl waste ...)

Yury Luzhkov left for holidays and "treatment for a serious sports injury" as the city sweltered on 2 August and did not return until Sunday, several days after a toxic cloud had enveloped Moscow.


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