And MP's wonder why we think they're not fit to govern


There are aspects of the expenses claim decision from Sir Thomas Legg that are disputable (changing the rules retrospectively, arbitrarily lumping all forms of cleaning together under a single cap, failing to establish the degree of culpability between the claimants and the Fees Office, failing to establish why not all MPs were apparently advised the same.. I could go on..) - but any MP who can say - straight-faced -as reported in The Guardian

One senior figure said: "We were led up the garden path by Gordon. I have never known a prime minister to be heckled at a meeting of the parliamentary party as he was on Monday. Not even Tony during the Iraq war got such a rough ride."

demonstrates all that is wrong in politics.


An illegal war, founded on a lie, with the shameful hounding lleading to the death of an honourable and innocent man (who was also right on the facts unlike Blair, the cabinet or the MPs that voted for the resolutions).

MPs claim to wonder why they're held in contempt and why the public holds the view that they only care about their self-interest....


The just don't get it do they?