Please use your power to protect others today if you can do so safely - What to do if you are witnessing harassment

What to do if you are witnessing harassment

A bystander’s guide to help the person who’s being targeted

1. Engage conversation.

Go to them, sit beside them and say hello. Try to appear calm, collected and welcoming. IGNORE THE ATTACKER.

2. Pick a random subject and start discussing it. 

It can be anything: a movie you liked, the weather, saying you like something they wear and asking where they got it...

3 Keep building the safe space.

Keep eye contact with them and don’t  acknowledge the attacker’s presence : the absence of response from you two will push them to leave the area shortly.

4. Continue the conversation until the attacker leaves & escort them to a safe place if necessary.

Bring them to a neutral area where they can recollect themselves; respect their wishes if they tell you they’re ok and just want to go. This guide was written & illustrated by Maeril I @itsmaeril
Please use your power to protect others today if you can do so safely - What to do if you are witnessing harassment