Trenwheal - Between 1712 and 1727 William Repper is accredited with enclosing the parcel of land

Trenwheal - Between 1712 and 1727 William Repper is accredited with enclosing the parcel of land
Trenwheal - gate entrance to field
Between 1712 and 1727
William Repper is accredited with enclosing the parcel of land on
Trenwheal Downs seen beyond this gate. In a lease of 1780 it is
described as "All that messuage or dwelling house heretofore built by
William Repper deceased with the garden thereunto belonging ... and late
in the possession of Elizabeth Repper deceased but now of the said
Benjamin Thomas all of which were formally hedged or inclosed in by the
said William Repper deceased out of Trenwheale Downs and is part and
parcel of the Manor of Godolphin."
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